
Showing posts from May, 2009

ABCs of Life 3- Focus

Focus Imagine a laser. Remember when you were young, using a magnifying glass, trying to burn a hole on a piece of paper with the sunlight? That my friend, is focus. What we focus on, we get. I realise that I have got most of what I focused on. Bad or good. So now the question is, what should we focus on? Since we are to live this life. Then might as well make the best out of it, put in positive thinking and actions in our life. Rather then dwelling in the negatives. Positive thinking and focus is like giving nourishment to our mind, body and soul; while focusing on negative is like putting in poison into our mind and life. So, from today onwards, I will focus on the abundance of life. And focusing on having this abundance to come to me.

ABCs of Life 2- Authenticity

Genuine and authentic. We were born to be authentic. There are no two people who are totally the same. Everyone of us has our own life story. So, are you living your life authentically? Are you living your soul purpose? I was born into a fairly normal family, led a fairly normal childhood. But a big part of me always wanted to go out. Wanted to see the world. When I was young, when I ponder about a question or a riddle, I would always gaze up. I remembered my primary school tuition teacher commented that I'd look up the ceiling everytime I am thinking. Probably it is up there where the sky is limitless, where the answers are. Living an authentic life is our birth right. It is a decision I made for myself and many individuals who are seeking for that something in life. Lead an authentic life, craft your own dream and destiny.

ABCs of Life 1- Determination

Determination People who win in life are people with determination. They are desperate enough to want to get what they want. Intelligence does not guarantee success, but determination does, most of the time. I remembered when I was in my high school years. I was determined to be the best. People have always said that I am a smart student, but deep down, I know it is not that I am smart. It was because I had a razor sharp focus coupled with determination. Everyday, after school, I will ride on my red scooter, then buy lunch from the nearby stall. It was normally packed rice with 2 kinds of vegetables. On days when I felt I needed to pamper myself, I would order stewed chicken feet. Then go home, take my shower, wash my clothes and start of with doing my homework. I will be there studying and doing my work, all day. This went on for the whole year. I was at the 6th place when I joined the school in Form 4, by the end of Form 5, I was the first in my class. Determination came just na