
Showing posts from January, 2011

ABCs of Life 26- Dream

What makes us human different? What makes us Us? Its about having dreams, hoping to be someone, wanting to be somewhere, hoping to do that when you were a child. Always carry your dream with you, and who may live it one day.

ABCs of Life 25- Inspiration

It comes when you are least aware, So always be ready to savor every tinkle and drop, And embrace it with your awareness. Inspiration, leads you to your dream, shows you the way to have fun, make you cannot sleep and want to just do it. Be inspired and embrace it will all your heart.

ABCs of Life 24- Sweet

Sweet, isn't the word Sweet such a sweet word. Just makes you want to smile. Just feels so nice when you put it with other words... Sweetheart, sweet pudding, sweet words, sweet smell of the rose~ Spend today, feeling, tasting, hearing something sweet :) Blissful~

ABCs of Life 23- Awesome

Did something awesome happen today? Is seeing a child sleep quietly in her dad's arm awesome? Is being able to wake up in your warm bed something awesome? Is looking at the colourful clothes behind the glass of the shop awesome? It is if its the first time her dad carrying her. It is if you have not had a bed to sleep on for years. It is if this is the first day you had your sight back after 30 years of darkness.

ABCs of Life 22- Fun

What are you doing? Having fun!!! How often to you hear that? Just having fun? Are you living your day today with fun? If for too many days you've not had fun, maybe its time to just stop and just have some pure FUN!!!

ABCs of Life 21- Motivation

What's is motivation? Moving towards a need? Gearing up for a better result? Know what moves you. Understand that it comes from within. Working inside for a bigger, much much bigger purpose outside. Are you motivated? To wake up in the morning. To see the sun rise. To wear your suit. To drive to work. To know that you are working towards something, for yourself and the people you care for.