
ABCs of Life 20- Time

Time~ Something so intangible yet so powerful. By itself, it's nothing. Give it a purpose, a meaning, even a name. Then it's everything. Race track, hospital, exam hall, in the sea, on the mountain. Give time a life, and our time becomes our life.

ABCs of Life 19- Feeling the moment

Winter is here. Every breath feels cold and icy. Pink cheeks, red ears~ But just for a momnet, feel the coldness. But just for a moment, embrace the cold air. And just for a moment, take in the sensation from nature. Don't you feel blessed that you can feel nature's greatness? Powerful, strong, love in a moment of coldness.

ABCs of Life 18- Humour

Laughter is the best medicine. How true is that? Do you feel so much more relaxed when you laugh? Do you know that endorphins are released and helps to relief your pain? Do you sense that laughing is so infectious so as to when you laugh, people around you will do so too? Its hard to look at things from the humourous side all the time, but THIS is the only time we have, why not just take a step aback, and inject it with laughter :D

ABCs of Life 17- Decisions

Should I take the left path or should I take the right path? Or, should I just make a new path? In life, we are faced with many choices and decisions. At times, it is interesting how we ended up where we are today. Think carefully. Are you where you are today because of a seemingly small decision you made a long time ago? Have you thought that, that single decision would shape your life now. Decisions and directions. And most of the time, it is the decision of your heart, and your instinct that will guide you to your truest self. Good luck and embrace your path.

ABCs of Life 16- Luck

Wow, you are so lucky!!! Luck :) Is it as it is? Just mere luck? Sometimes I do ponder if its true. I have been really lucky, maybe its karma, maybe its God, maybe its something out there. Or, maybe its just something in here? Maybe its everything, combined. One thing I know for sure, is that, the more I feel lucky, the luckier I get. So just pretend that it is happening, just imagine that you are getting lucky, and most likely, your lucky stars will be there waiting to sprinkle magic upon you :)

ABCs of Life 15- Selflessness

Have you ever given without hoping to receive? Have you ever wondered why parents are willing to do anything for their children? When we lose our self, our ego, that's when we are actually living, really living for ourselves. What an irony, selflessness, for your self. True bliss comes when we release ourselves, and selflessness means that we do not attach ourselves to it. The it. Its with selflessness that we get to live to the fullest, access to the source and experience ultimate love.

ABCs of Life 14- Source

Tap into your source. Listen to your inner voice. Be quiet, and you know that the source is in you. Tap into the abundance. The source is there for you to embrace and hold on to. Life is full of abundance, so tap into your source.